Dinolingo Cares

Since 2010, Dino Lingo has partnered with charitable organizations to provide language learning tools and educational resources, transforming children’s lives and creating brighter futures.
We aim to equip children worldwide, especially those in need, with language skills and educational tools to help them become confident global citizens.
By providing accessible resources, we improve literacy, school engagement, and confidence, empowering children to succeed and contribute to their communities.
If your school, library, or advocacy group needs language learning support, contact us at info@dinolingo.com.
Message from Develop Africa
We are delighted to be in partnership with Dinolingo – providing educational, teaching materials to support the learning of languages. The understanding of languages helps understanding of other cultures / people groups and communication with people from a different culture / ethnic background.
We recently had the opportunity to share a diverse set of DinoLingo materials with the FAWE school. The package included DVDs, Flash Cards, Posters from the following languages – Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese and English. These audio-visual materials with help reinforce learning through multiple channels / gates of assimilation – providing learning opportunities for children at different levels.
Thank you Dinolingo for helping to increase language understanding in Africa.
Auctions, Charity Events:
Donation Request Information
If this donation is for a silent auction, online auction, or charity event, please provide the following details:

Event Name:
Event Date:
Event Website (if applicable):
Organization/Institution Name:
Organization/Institution Address:
Organization/Institution Website:
Since we receive numerous donation requests, please allow a few days for us to review and respond.
Silent Auctions and Charity Events
Once we receive your request, we will review it and either approve or pass. If your request is approved, the process is as follows:
- After the event, the school or organization must send us the winner’s email address and their chosen language.
- We will then provide the winner with a one-year language learning subscription, valued at $199.
We sincerely appreciate your support and look forward to helping make your event a success!
Thank you for considering Dinolingo for your charitable event!
If your school or organization is seeking donation options for a charity event, reach out to us at info@dinolingo.com.