Greek music and dance have a very long history. In ancient Greece, music was performed to accompany poetry or plays. Some Greek folk dance rhythms are taken from the poetic metre from ancient dramas. During Christian times and up until the present, instrumental music, dance and song have been important parts in special events and holidays like baptisms, saints’ days, engagements, weddings, and harvest festival, Easter and May Day. Wherever Greek people gather, there is music and songs.
Many Greek dances are done in large groups at big community celebrations. Dances are done in circles or in lines. There are over 4,000 traditional Greek dances!
Traditional instruments from Greece include the plucked stringed instrument called a bouzouki from the lute family, a kind of bagpipe known as a gaida made of sheep or goat hide, and toumbi a kind of large double-headed drum played with sticks.
Greek Children’s Songs (click on the link to hear a Greek children’s song)
Greek people love singing and passing on their culture to children. Popular children’s songs include:
Αδελφος Ιακωβος
Brother James
Καλήν εσπέραν άρχοντες
Christmas Carol
Παλαμάκια παίξετε
Clap Your Hands
Έλα ύπνε μου, πάρε το
Come, Good Sleep
Έλα ύπνε μου κ’έλα ‘Γειά
Come, Sleep, Come, Health
Βρε καλό, στο καλό να ‘χη
Ho, Hail and He May Prosper
Νάνι του ρήγα το παιδί
Hush, Son of the King
Βρέχει, χιονίζει
It’s Raining, It’s Snowing
‘Εχω γυιό και έχω χαρά
I’ve a Son and I’m Glad
Little Rabbit
Μην κάνετε κανένα θόρυβο
Make No Noise
Φεγγαράκι μου λαμπρό
My Little Shining Moon
Το παιδάκι μου το ρούσσο
My Rosy Child
Βρέξε βρέξε Παναγιά μου
Rain, Rain, Dear Virgin
Κοιμήσου, χαδεμένο μου
Sleep, My Darling
Ο ύπνος τρέφει τα μωρά
Sleep Nurtures Babies
Κούνια – μπέλα
Swing, (My) Pretty
Να μου το πάρης, Ύπνε μου
Take Him in Charge, Kind Sleep
Το παιδί θέλει χορό
The Child Wants to Dance
Κοιμάτ’ο κούκκος στα βουνά κ’ η πέρδικα στα δάση
The Cuckoo Sleeps
Να χορέψη θέλ’ η κόρη (η θε τ’αγόρι)
The Girl (or Boy) Wants to Dance0
The Rose is Sleeping Beside the Marjoram
Ένα νερό, κυρά Βαγγελιώ
Water, Lady Vangeline

Online Greek lessons for kids: