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Hungarian cuisine

Hungarian food is often spicy, due to the common use of hot paprika. Sweet paprika is also common. Additionally, the combination of paprika, lard and red onions is typical of Hungarian cuisine, and the use of the thick sour cream called tejföl.

Hungarians are very proud of their sausages and winter salami. They are very spicy and tasty and they use them for many dishes.

There are many variations of the same dish, like the Hungarian hot fish soup called Fisherman’s Soup or halászlé, cooked differently on the banks of Hungary’s two main rivers: the Danube and the Tisza. Many times people gather to have competitions to decide who has the most delicious Fisherman’s Soup.

In Hungary you should try the famous goulash soup. It is made of meat, noodles, vegetables paprika and other spices. It is one of the symbols of the country. Foreigners sometimes mistake it with beef stew. Beef soup or pörkölt is made of les water and vegetables. It is a heavier dish.

For dessert grandmothers usually make stuffed pancakes or palacsinta. The country’s favorite sweet is called Somlói Galuska. It is a sponge cake with chocolate sauce decorated with whipped cream.

Hungarian traditional clothing

The old home-made garments were made of durable material to serve several generations. Nowadays these clothing can only be seen during festivals, celebrations and in some parts of the county.  You can meet people wearing them in Transylvania, around Hollókő and Kalocsa.

Those clothers are fine achivements in thetextile art. They vary from region to region. Flowers and leaves, a bird, are the most common decorative themes. The most frequent ornament is a flower with a centerpiece resembling the eye of a peacock’s feather.

Matyóföld, Kalocsa and Kalotaszeg are famous for their textile needleworks. When visiting a Hungarian home you will notice the many Hungarian textile arts, folk art.

Festivals, holidays, Celebrations

Carnival Season – Farsang – Costume parties and carnivals take place all month long to mark the end of winter, especially on the last Saturday in February. City festivities usually include carnival, parade and open-air music concert. A great celebration is held in Mohács called the ’Busójárás’. People dress up as scary animals, burn the winter away and dance. This tradition is similar to the Bulgarian tradicion called Kukiri and aims to scare away the bad spirits.

15th of March 1848 Revolution Day – The “Hungarian spring” – a fight for freedom against Habsburg domination which later led to war against Austria and its allies. Each year on March 15, the Hungarian tricolors of red, white, and green are prominently displayed all over the country.

20th of August St. Stephen’s Day – In the year of 1000, Hungary’s first king, the St Stephen, was crowned this day, and the Hungarian state was founded.  Parades and music are among the festivities, and an impressive fireworks show is launched over the Danube at night.

23th of October 1956 Uprising Memorial Day This national holiday commemorates the outbreak of the people’s uprising against Soviet domination in 1956.

The origin of Hungarians

A king had two sons: Hunor and Magor. They both had hundreds of lads to escort them. One day on hunting they saw a beautiful wonderdeer. They chased it for many-many days. The wonderdeer led them to a country where the forests were full of prey and the water was full of fish. It disappeared in a lake. Next day they were woken up by hundreds of fairies singing. The land’s king’s two daughters were dancing there. Hunor and Magor felt in love with the princesses. They married them and their lads married the fairies. The descendant of Hunor and his lads are the Huns, the descendants of Magor are the Magyars (Hungarians). 

Children’s Game

Many Hungarian games for children are combined with folk songs and dance. Forfeits is an increasing-decreasing game played with a large group. The children sing and create a moving circle. They hold hands and move in the same direction. A leader counts out, or calls out, moves. In Forfeits, a child who is leading the circle during their turn and makes a mistake, such as moving the wrong direction or tripping, forfeits his turn and falls out of the circle. The child is allowed back into the circle at the end of the game for the last round.


Both men and women greet by shaking hands, although a man should usually wait for the women to extend her hand. The older generation may still bow to woman. Friends kiss one another lightly on both cheeks.

Hungarians prefer face-to-face meetings.  They like to invite others for dinners.


The family is in the centre in Hungary. Generations of the family often live together. The grandparents help to raise the grandchildren. The family gives emotional and financial support to its members.

Fun facts

The official language is the Hungarian originated from the Finno-Ugric tribe languages.  It is one of the hardest languages to learn.

Hungary went through the worst inflation ever recorded. It is when everything becomes more expensive. In the end of the 40’ there were days when a man got his salary and next day he could buy an egg for that money. One of the banknotes was 1,000,000,000,000,000,000. pengő.

Only five more countries won more summer Olympic medals than Hungary in history. Hungary reached the 9th position out of 211 nations in total.

Hungarians are good at mathematics and technologies. They study it hard and enjoy it. Did you know that the famous puzzle game called Rubik’s cube was invented by a Hungarian?

Hungary like Austria, has a long tradition of classical music. it is often blended with folkloric elements. Composers Béla bartok, Zoltán Kodály or Franz Liszt were all Hungarians.

Famous places beside Budapest

Hollókő – The village of Hollóko is one of the most charming spots in Hungary hidden in the north eastern hills. This is an UNESCO World Heritage Site. They live like 100 years ago. They have been able to preserve many of their folkways.
Herend – There is a 185 year old porcelain manufacture in Herend. The porcelains are beautiful and all handmade.They are perfect wedding gifts. Many famous people from different countries have bought wazes, cups or statues made here.

Sziget – The Sziget festival on the Obudai Island is one of the largest music and cultural festivals in Europe. More than 1,000 performances take place each year.



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