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Fun facts

The most popular sports in Slovakia are ice hockey and soccer. Baseball and football are seen as very exotic!

In Slovakia, Christmas gifts are not unwrapped on Christmas Day, but on Christmas Eve in the evening! That way, you don’t have to wait so long.

Slovakia is very far from the sea. That’s why in summer, everybody travels many miles to the south of Europe for holiday! But if you want a change, you can stay in Slovakia a enjoy one of the many mountain resorts. Skiing is very popular.

Slovak children love ‘Mikulas,’ the special holiday. Mikulas is an old man who looks like Santa Claus, but he comes to visit on 6th December. He always comes with an angel and a devil, and rides trought the town on his horse. In the evening, you need to put a sock or a boot on the window. If you were a good child, Mikulas will give you a lot of sweets. But if you were a bad child, he will only give you coal!


Famous places

Slovakia is full of history. You will find old castles, chateaus and strongholds everywhere! Proudly standing on rocks or hidden in the woods, they look very romantic and majestic. One of them, the ‘Spišský’ castle, is the biggest in Europe and very popular. Tourists from all over the world come to see it.

‘Banska Stiavnica’ is the town of silver. People built giant mines there and they used to be very rich. Even today, the town looks exactly the same as a long time ago! Walking through the streets feels like stepping into a fairy tale. The whole town is protected by UNESCO.

Slovakia is also famous for its caves (the amazing ‘Dobsinska’ ice cave) and spas. You will find the most hot springs in the world here! Relaxing near them is wonderful, and it is one of the favorite activities for both Slovaks and visitors from abroad. If you need something more active, there are always ski resorts and hiking trails.

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